Residence Hall Council (RHC)

Residence Hall Council (RHC) is the grassroots voice of Pitzer's residential student population. Join RHC to help us build a inclusive and vibrant residential experience for ALL students!

Apply for the 2025-2026 RHC Executive Board!
Residence Hall Council logo

RHC is designed to promote student engagement in the residence halls as well as empower thoughtful and active student voices. Additionally, RHC functions as a platform to bridge gaps between students and residential resources. Any Pitzer student living within the residence halls can get involved with RHC.  We work together as a group to ensure that the greater needs of the residents are met. RHC is the voice of the residents and if you want to make your community feel comfortable and heard, then RHC is for you! 


The mission of RHC shall be to collaborate with Residence Life and campus organizations, implement engaging residential hall activities, and role model student representation, advocacy, and voice within the residence halls. RHC will serve as an entity that energizes community bonding, accountability, and support by fostering resident participation in hall improvements, events, dialogues, and community service.

2025-2026 Academic Year RHC Exec Board Recruitment

RHC Executive Board position application can be found on the RHC Engage Hub

Applications due Wednesday, March 26, 2025 @ 5:00PM

Interview Sign-ups occur Thursday, March 27 - Monday, March 31

Interviews take place Tuesday, April 1 - Friday, April 4

Exec Board Position Offers out Tuesday, April 8

Exec Board Position Acceptances due by Monday, April 14
Current & New Exec Board "Pass-Down" on Monday, April 21 from 7:00-8:00PM

Executive Boards Positions Available

  1. President – The President of the Residence Hall Council at Pitzer College leads the Residence Hall Council meetings and provides direction for the executive board members. As the spokesperson for the RHC at campus events, the President represents the interests and needs of residents. This role also involves overseeing council activities, coordinating events that enhance student life, and fostering communication between residents and administration. By promoting community building and advocating for student welfare, the President plays a crucial role in improving the overall residential experience.
  2. Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion –The Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) for the Residence Hall Council at Pitzer College focuses on fostering an inclusive residential community. This role involves designing and implementing initiatives and programs that promote diversity and inclusivity among students. Additionally, the VP of DEI serves as a liaison between students and administration to ensure that diversity concerns and equity issues within residence halls are addressed effectively. This role is crucial for advocating for and supporting underrepresented students and enhancing cultural competency within the community.
  3. Vice President of Community Engagement – The Vice President of Community Engagement is the primary marketing and brand ambassador for all RHC events and initiatives.  They will lead and host various town hall sessions throughout the year to gain feedback from campus residents as well as create and distribute print and social media marketing for RHC and Residence Life initiatives. Coordinates collection of feedback from residents via surveys, tabling, social media and other creative means and measures. 
  4. Vice President of Service & Recognition – The Vice President of Service and Recognition aims to create initiatives to serve and recognize the people who make particularly Pitzer the community that it is, but can also include the greater Claremont/LA community when pertinent or desired. These should ideally be a mix of collaborative initiatives within the Residence Hall Council executive board and campus/5C organizations as well as individual projects. They can be more passive in nature, such as tabling events or bulletin boards/posters, but should also include more engaging initiatives that require higher levels of planning and coordination.

    All Exec Board positions are paid at $16.50/hr. Exec Board members are expected to work 6 (VPs) - 7 (President) hrs/wk.

Residence Hall Council Goals & Objectives

  1. To offer activities and student engagement opportunities based on thoughtful student feedback and community needs.
  2. To work collectively with Residence Life staff to promote improvement of residence life experience and resources.
  3. To promote the embodiment of Pitzer Core values in the residence halls.
  4. Assist residential community in efforts to make best use of residential spaces and resources.


  1. Review the RHC Charter to learn more about the organization. 

Contact Us

Residence Life Office

The Residence Life Central Office is located on the 3rd floor at the corner of N. Sanborn and E. Sanborn Halls.

East Sanborn Hall, C300 Suite

Mon–Sun, 9am–midnight for student staff assistance
 | Mon–Fri, 9am–5pm for professional staff assistance